More about us
Barlens Structure Solutions are specialists in designing and installing any structure solution to meet your specified needs. From bespoke, elegant multi-level glass and avant-garde clad structures for retail and hospitality to Industrial warehouses that can cover everything from plant or equipment to large aircrafts and everything in-between.
A word from our CEO
Maecenas at viverra augue. Nulla vel dapibus sapien, sit amet pretium lorem. Nulla nec lectus libero. Vestibulum et felis consequat, sodales lacus non, imperdiet arcu. Nam ullamcorper ultricies convallis. Vestibulum sed scelerisque quam. Morbi maximus ut mi vel porta.
Pellentesque convallis finibus nisl quis faucibus. Curabitur sodales, nunc sed porta commodo, ipsum lectus viverra tellus, quis vulputate ipsum quam in lacus. Nunc sit amet lorem vitae augue posuere aliquam. Vestibulum non nisl id risus varius consectetur vel ut lorem. Vivamus molestie ante vel elit auctor posuere ac tempus ante. Etiam tristique odio quis pretium pharetra. Vestibulum sed tincidunt augue.
Over the last several seasons, our fan base outgrew the capacity we were able to accommodate in just our permanent grandstand, so we’ve relied on Barlens to save the day. They turn an otherwise uneventful patch of gravel into a lively, corporate hospitality area with a professional marquee and a classy, casual fit out. We’re proud to have Barlens as a partner as they’ve really helped us take the next step with our business.